Best wishes to Attilio Mastromauro, the founder of Granoro pasta, who turns 100 on May 10th. Born in Bari in 1913, the unstoppable entrepreneur still presides over company activities on a daily basis, dealing with the current economic crisis after already having lived through the post-war years, and renewing the commitment to the life’s work that has made Granoro a well-known Italian brand throughout the world. Attilio Mastromauro is the only person alive today to have witnessed the evolution of the pasta production cycle, from the practice of drying it in the sun to the advent of modern machinery. Currently managed by Marina and Daniela Mastromauro, Granoro is Italy’s fifth largest pasta producer and is exported to Canada, South America, Australia, China and Japan. Under the vigilant eyes of Attilio Mastromauro, a leader with qualities belonging to another era, the company continues to grow with him at the helm. Attilio defines himself as “a thinker with unlimited inventiveness”. Is this perhaps the secret of eternal youth?