On the integrity of the food supply chain Professor Chris Elliott, Professor in Food Safety and Director of the Institute 'Global Food Security' at the Queen's university of Belfast recently appealed. (1) A revolution is necessary, and it can be articulated on six key concepts. We take the opportunity to express humble additional notes and comments.
1) The food we produce must be safe
Food safety remains at the center of European sector policies, at least in theory. In practice, the recent Salmonella-contaminated infant formula scandal, produced by Lactalis in France and recalled in 83 countries, is just the latest symptom of a system that doesn't work. And the European Commission, as has been denounced several times on this site, he continues to hiding. (2)
The focal question, according to Professor Chris Elliott, is whether the food industry and politics really intend to move towards the integrity of the supply chain. The required changes are significant, and so are the investments, but this appears to be the only way to achieve the objectives set. These relate to food safety and public health - also considering nutritional safety - but also to the socio-environmental sustainability of production.
Food poisoning in England there were 1 million every year, the professor points out. (3) The data is worrying and should make us reflect on the dangers associated with cuts to public health, which inevitably lead to the reduction of official public controls on food safety. (4)
2) The food we produce must be authentic
The traceability of foodstuffs - introduced by General Food Law, on a general scale, starting from 1.1.2005 (5) - it is not enough to prevent food fraud. And neither does the https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/etichette/controlli-il-ruolo-dellamministrazione-sanitaria/ will be able to mitigate them.
Professor Chris Elliott was one of the protagonists in the management of the cd Horsemeat scandal, when huge quantities of horse meat - passed off as beef - were put into numerous food products, including Big food, circulated throughout Europe.
Food fraud recur still, often far from the spotlight because they are localized, and deserve the adoption of appropriate measures in all Member States, under the coordination of the European Commission.
Consumer information it should in turn pursue objectives of transparency, but the efforts of the European legislator in this direction have been thwarted, on several occasions, by the Brussels Executive. As we have seen, recently, with the mockery of the origin labeling of the primary ingredient. (6)
3) The food we produce must be nutritious
Nutritional security, nutritional profiles. It is useless to hide behind the false paradigms on the balance of the diet, it is no longer possible to ignore the junk food as such.
Globally, recalls Chris Elliott, malnutrition affects about 1 billion individuals and excess malnutrition - with obesity and related diseases - affects another 2, out of a population of 7,5. The professor focuses on the even more widespread deficiencies of fat-soluble vitamins and mineral salts (selenium, magnesium, zinc, iodine), as well as precious fatty acids such as Omega-3s.
How can a food system be based on the integrity of the supply chain when two thirds of the world population are deficient in micronutrients, asks the professor? We need a new industrial revolution, with the support of politics and the contribution of science. Also to improve the levels of micronutrients in foods, with natural methods.
4) The production chains of our food are sustainable
Sustainability it is an imperative of every anthropogenic activity on the planet today. Agriculture, farming, food processing and distribution play an important role in the consumption of natural resources as well as in greenhouse gas emissions.
From words to deeds, we can and should do more. Increase yields without depleting crops or polluting the environment, thanks to reduction in the use of agrotoxicants for example. Decrease the environmental footprint of processes, with the help of technologies.
The wastes food must also be reduced, starting from the primary agricultural supply chain, until the recovery of surplus food.
5) Our food must be made according to the highest ethical standards
The ethical question it is proposed from different perspectives. On the one hand we observe the growing consumer attention - and gods Millennials in particular - towards the impact of supply chains, wherever based, on society and the environment.
The invasion of non-EU foods made in conditions of dumping socio-environmental - often with reduced or absent import duties, due to the frenzied commercial policies of this European Commission (7) - is moreover under the eyes of all.
The supply chain thus it tends to disintegrate, since the raw materials and food products mentioned above inevitably win the price battle with those made in Europe. The higher costs of which are linked, among other things, to compliance with the strictest standards for the protection of the environment, workers and safety.
6) We respect the environment and workers
The rights of the environment and workers are clinging to the globalist choices of Big food, 10 great sisters and their emulators. Which - beyond isolated operations, between marketing and greenwashing - always prefer savings on raw material costs, at all costs.
Exploitation of workers, robbery of the lands, slavery - even juveniles - And devastation of the environment in distant countries. These are the costs of saving Big food, which is no coincidence insists on hiding the origin of raw materials , headquarters of the plant on the label.
Amazon in turn it is a coincidence paradigmatic of exploitation of workersi, a few steps from our homes. But here, unfortunately, consumers are the first to pursue the blunder of savings, neglecting the social costs of their purchasing choices.
A revolution is necessary, Professor Elliott is right, starting from everyone's conscience.
Dario Dongo
(2) In this regard, it is worth recalling a couple of previous food security crises that have occurred in the EU over the past months. L'British hepatitis E epidemic caused by fresh pork from Germany and Holland, and Fipronil https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/idee/uova-al-fipronil-riflessioni-sull-ennesima-frode-alimentare-in-europa
(3) The situation in the US is far worse, with one in six citizens suffering from foodborne infections every year. As proof, if ever needed, that the 'invisible hand' of the market is not enough to guarantee food safety, without adequate public controls
(4) Official public controls in Italy https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/salute/controlli-ufficiali-alimenti-in-italia-dati-2016 they work better than elsewhere, thanks to the conspicuous deployment of public resources dedicated to this. However, attention must be kept at the highest levels, with adequate resources and staff training
(5) See reg. CE 178/02, article 18. See also article https://www.foodagriculturerequirements.com/archivio-notizie/domande-e-risposte/rintracciabilità-interna-rispondono-l-avv-dario-dongo-e-il-dr-alfredo-rossi
(6) See article https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/etichette/origine-ingrediente-primario-vincitori-e-vinti. Without forgetting the useless reports of the Commission on the origin of the raw material https://www.foodagriculturerequirements.com/approfondimenti_1/etichettatura-d-origine-prosegue-il-dibattito-tra-commissione-e-parlamento-europeo
(7) For example, the upsurge in zero-duty rice imports from EBA countries (Everything But Arms) https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/mercati/salvare-il-riso-italiano-stop-alle-importazioni-per-frenare-la-crisi and tariff quotas, again at zero duty, granted to Tunisian olive oil https://www.foodagriculturerequirements.com/archivio-notizie/europa-nuove-aperture-all-olio-di-oliva-tunisino
Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.