The migratory locust receives the official green light as novel foods in the EU, under the conditions established in reg. EU 2021/1975. (1) It is the second among the authorized insects in the food chain, after flour moths.
Migratory locust, the scientific opinion of EFSA
EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), in its scientific opinion 25.5.21, evaluated the safety of Migratory locust as a new food in the frozen, whole dried and powdered forms. The data (eg composition, contaminants) and the studies provided (eg toxicological) produced by the applicant, at the conditions and levels of use proposed, were considered suitable for evaluating their safety for food purposes. (2)
Particular attention was devoted to the risk of allergic sensitization to proteins of this, as of others novel foods. Scientific studies in this regard are still lacking, in some cases and ambiguous. Sensitization of allergic individuals to crustaceans, molluscs and dust mites appears possible, and it is probable that carry over allergens contained in animal feed, the use of which must therefore be considered in self-control.
Migratory locust, authorized food uses
The reg. EU 2021/1975 authorizes the use of the locust - in the three forms frozen, dried and powdered - as snack and food ingredient in a series of products intended for the general population, excluding infants and young children (<3 years). Following, the foods where the locusts can be included among the ingredients, in compliance with the maximum levels of use established for each category:
- potato-based processed vegetables, legume-based and pasta-based dishes, soups and concentrates, canned legumes and vegetables, salads, cocoa-based products, nuts, oilseeds and chickpeas, - meat products (sausages ) and meat replacement proteins,
- frozen dairy products based on fermented milk,
- beers and mix for alcoholic beverages.
Legal name and allergens
La legal name of the new food is'Frozen migratory locust,Dried / powdered migratory locust', or 'Whole migratory Locust dust', depending on the form used.
It must then be indicated - next to the list of ingredients - the ability to cause allergic reactions in those who have known reactions to crustaceans, molluscs, shellfish products and dust mites. The Commission, on the other hand, considered it inappropriate to prescribe the indication on the label the ability to cause primary sensitization.
Product Specifications
The specifications product - together with the conditions of use and labeling requirements - will be included in the list of authorized novel foods. (3)
Il novel foods it concerns only adult specimens, which must be deprived of wings and legs - in the whole, frozen or dried form - since their consumption as such can cause constipation.
The powder form on the other hand, it does not require the removal of wings and legs, since the grinding is able to reduce their size to a level that does not cause problems.
Nutritional profiles, microbiological criteria and contaminants
The composition sees humidity as a predominant element in the frozen form (67-73%), with a lower percentage of proteins (11-21%) and fats (7-13%). In the other two forms, the protein (43-60%) and fat (31-41%) contents stand out, with a high content of dietary fiber (<9%). Saturated fats express a significant share of total fats (35-43%).
Microbiological criteria and contaminant levels are devoid of specific insect discipline. EFSA therefore compared the reported values with those expected for other food categories. (4) Noting the absence of criticalities, provided, of course, that good hygiene practices are respected starting from the breeding and HACCP in the subsequent phases.
Authorization with exclusivity
Fair Insects BV (The Netherlands) has filed the application for authorization, in this case as in that of the domestic cricket. (5) With a request, in both cases, for the protection of the data presented in dossier. The European Commission has therefore granted Fair Insects BV and its licensees a marketing exclusivity for food-grade locusts for 5 years from 5.12.21.
Transparency, to which a specific regulation has also been dedicated (EU regulation 2019/1381. See note 6), is therefore compromised precisely in relation to the studies produced, considered suitable for the attribution to the applicant of a five-year monopoly. (7)
Provisional conclusions
The audience of insects intended for food use has increased by only two species, which are exclusively authorized to the respective applicants. Almost four years after the entry into force of the new regulation on Novel foods (EU regulation 2283/2015) and the confirmation by the Commission of its application to insects. (8)
The development of new sources di innovative and sustainable proteins, such as insects and microalgae, fulfills a global need for food security to which Europe can contribute thanks to the cutting edge of research.
The exclusives of authorization regardless of the ownership of patents on new molecules or production processes represent a serious obstacle to the diffusion of new foods and thus also to the achievement of the second among Sustainable Development Goals.
# SDG2, End Hunger.
Dario Dongo and Andrea Adelmo Della Penna
(1) Reg. (EU) 2021/1975, authorizing the placing on the market of frozen, dried and powdered migratory locust as a novel food pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283.
(2) EFSA NDA Panel et al. (2021). Safety of frozen and dried formulations from migratory locust (Locusta migratoria) as a Novel food pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2015/2283. EFSA Journal 19 (7): e00667,
(3) EU Reg. 2017/2470, Annex
(4) EC Reg. 1881/06, reg. CE 2073/05
(5) Dario Dongo, Andrea Adelmo Della Penna. Crickets at the table, green light from EFSA. GIFTS (Great Italian Food Trade). 18.8.21/XNUMX/XNUMX,
(6) Regulation (EU) 2019/1381, on the transparency and sustainability of the Union risk analysis in the food supply chain.
(7) Other operators interested in marketing locusts as novel food are therefore forced to apply for an authorization to Fair Insects BV or present (at their own expense) a new application for authorization, without even being able to refer to the studies and data already validated by EFSA
(8) Dario Dongo. Insects at the table in the EU. GIFTS (Great Italian Food Trade), one,