Conflicts of interest are spreading like wildfire between UNAPROL (Consorzio Olivicolo Italiano, based in Palazzo Rospigliosi), AIPO (Italian Association of Olive Producers) and Oleificio Paladino, a historic Apulian cooperative now in disgrace.
Coldiretti's magic circle strikes again in illicit mixes that drain the resources destined for farmers to pay the generous tasks of the usual suspects (1,2). Once again, under the absent gaze of public and private controllers. #Clean shovels.
Paladino oil mill, MiSE, Roberto Falcone
The Paladino Oil Mill - Cooperative Oil Mill of the Land Reform, based in Palo del Colle (BA) - was established in 1957 and has been, for over half a century, one of the protagonists of cooperative olive growing in Puglia. The Ministry of Economic Development (MiSE), having ascertained the instability, declared its compulsory administrative liquidation on 10.6.20. (3) And with DM 25.6.21 n. 197 appointed Mr. Roberto Falcone, an accountant in Rome, as liquidator.
The compulsory administrative liquidation (lca) of the Paladino Oil Mill was however sued in the civil court of Bari by UNAPROL Scpa, for the return of assets with a value exceeding 1,3 million euros. And no one - not even the ineffable president of the UNAPROL board of statutory auditors Antonio Cepparulo - seems to have noticed that the same Roberto Falcone also has the office of liquidator of AIPO UN Scarl in liquidation, part of UNAPROL.
AIPO - UNAPROL, Roberto Falcone
Roberto Falcone has been liquidator and legal representative of AIPO UN Scarl, from 30.11.20, after it joined UNAPROL Scpa and was put into liquidation. The history:
- on 5.12.16 the president of UNAPROL (and vice-president of Coldiretti) David Granieri communicated the acceptance of the application for membership presented by AIPO on 5.10.16,
- on 5.3.17 the MIPAAF, through the general manager Felice Assenza (now ICQRF chief inspector), communicated to AGEA (General Agency for Payments in Agriculture) 'to be able to accept the change request'' to transfer public aid for AIPO to UNAPROL,
- on 30.11.17 AIPO asked the president of UNAPROL David Granieri to undertake patrimonial and financial commitments in his favor. Between these, 'Unaprol will acquire the brand (…). Aipo UN and UNAPROL will endeavor to address the financial problems pending for AIPO UN itself’,
- on 25.10.18 Monica Rispoli, single auditor of AIPO, reported to the UNAPROL board of statutory auditors that her appointment in AIPO was'indicated by UNAPROL SCpA (of which AIPO UN is a partner)' and 'the loss of the entity's autonomous ability to continue to operate as a going concern’,
- on 30.11.20 the shareholders 'meeting of AIPO UN Scarl in liquidation therefore appointed Roberto Falcone as liquidator and legal representative'without any limitation and with free signature'.
Conflicts of Interest. UNAPROL v. Paladino oil mill
The millionaire litigation pending at the Court of Bari sees Mr. Roberto Falcone at the same time liquidator of AIPO which is part of UNAPROL (plaintiff) and legal representative of Oleificio Paladino, defendant. Between the two quarrels the third enjoys, since he receives compensation from both sides. And he is not the only one, in an orgy of conflicts of interest already partly reported by L'Espresso and Domani, as well as by the writer (2,4,5).
Josephine Ivone she is in fact the lawyer who represents UNAPROL - on a mandate from David Granieri (president of UNAPROL and vice president of Coldiretti) - in the civil case against the Oleificio Paladino in lca (Court of Bari, rg 4103/2021). Combination, it shares with Roberto Falcone - as well as with Fabrizio Di Marzio, head of the legal area of Coldiretti - both the firm, together with Giuseppe Conte, and a series of professional assignments.
Only in December 2021 - following a complaint presented to the Mi.SE and to the Public Prosecutor's Office at the Court of Rome, on 7.7.21 - Roberto Falcone resigned from the position of liquidator of Oleificio Paladino in lca
How is it possible that the managers of the Ministry of Economic Development and the members of the board of auditors of UNAPROL - the Italian Olive Consortium - have allowed the situation described above to occur?
It remains to ask where is the judiciary placed with respect to the case in question and the many other events reported on this site websites, in the #VanghePulite investigation.
The only proceedings of which we still have news are those against the writer, sued and harassed for having exposed information based on chamber of commerce surveys and public documents.
Which rule of law?
Dario Dongo
(1) Dario Dongo. Coldiretti and Unaprol. The uncertain fate of public funds destined for Italian olive growers. GIFTS (Great Italian Food Trade). 6.2.21/XNUMX/XNUMX,
(2) Dario Dongo. Federconsorzi 2, AgriRevi, AIPO (Unaprol). Gold business for Coldiretti's magic circle. GIFTS (Great Italian Food Trade). 3.6.21/XNUMX/XNUMX,
(3) One of the largest olive oil cooperatives in Italy is in compulsory administrative liquidation. Natural theater. 8.7.20,
(4) Vittorio Malagutti and Carlo Tecce. Centofanti for a Count. L'Espresso, 16.5.21
(5) Emiliano Fittipaldi. Consulting and luxury hotels: these are the secret affairs of Giuseppe Conte. Tomorrow. 28.4.21,
Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.