Coldiretti's 'bullying' towards Confagricoltura - as defined by an Italian newspaper (1) - seems to translate into blackmail that is also reported in the national news. #VanghePulite.
1) Bullying, Coldiretti's blackmail of Confagricoltura
Vincenzo Gesmundo, the undisputed 'boss of bosses' of agri-food policies in Italy, does not tolerate that the oldest agricultural confederation in Italy (Confagricoltura, 1920) has formed an association - Mediterranea - which includes the first association representing the food industries in Italy, Unione Italiana Food.
The boss of bosses', essentially:
– claims to interfere with the freedom of association of an unspecified number of citizens, although this right is guaranteed by the Constitution of the Italian Republic (2). AND
– declares that, if the Mediterranea association continues the activities defined in its statute, Coldiretti will not support the candidacy of Massimiliano Giansanti (president of Confagricoltura) for the presidency of the first agricultural confederation in the European Union, Copa-Cogeca (3,4).
2) Flag populism
Coldiretti motivates its anger with the alleged contempt of the Mediterranean diet by an association, 'Mediterranea', in which Unione Italiana Food participates. This is because, among the 530 food industries based in Italy registered with UnionFood, there are also international giants such as Unilever, Mondelez, Lactalis and Nestlé. All of whom would be, according to Coldiretti, bitter enemies of 'Made in Italy' and the Mediterranean diet.
The populist flag of Palazzo Rospigliosi was exhibited in two full paid pages in 'Il Giornale' and may perhaps captivate its readers, but it is not credible. This is especially true since the initial attacks came from Luigi Scordamaglia, the longtime right-hand man of Cremonini and former president of Federalimentare, who has brought some giants of the food industry into Coldiretti’s Filiera Italia association – of which he is the CEO.
3) Italian and Mediterranean supply chain
Coldiretti's attack on Confagricoltura, under the national-populist banner, rather reveals the weakness and lack of ideas of Palazzo Rospigliosi which - despite solid political support (5) - fears the competition from 'Mediterranea' on the operational and planning front. In fact, upon closer inspection:
– UnionFood expresses more than 900 brands, including historical ones, which distinguish 'Made in Italy' in a large variety of food categories
– Confagricoltura in turn accounts for 45% of Italian agricultural production, (6) and is very active in international research projects
– 'Mediterranea' can therefore contribute to the development of fruitful synergies between Italian farmers and processing companies.
Filiera Italia on the contrary, is the emblem of the handover of Italian agriculture to finance:
– the presence of the energy giants (AB Energy, ENI, Enel, General Electric Holding, Snam, Terna) among its members can help to understand why the 'boss of bosses' is so committed to ensuring that the funding allocated from the PNRR to 'sustainable agriculture' have been diverted towards the photovoltaic sector (8)
– the agro-industrial oligarchies that also adhere to it are known for large international investments, from Kazakhstan and Algeria (BF) to Argentina (Benetton-Maccarese), Brazil (JBS-Rigamonti), Poland, Russia and other countries (Inalca -Cremonini), until the end of the world (Mc Donald's).
4) Perspectives
The only food brands that can be associated with 'Made in Italy' and the Mediterranean diet - among the few dozen members of Filiera Italia, alongside Poste Italiane and supermarkets (Carrefour, Conad, Crai) - largely already belong to UnionFood. Which perhaps, thanks to the synergy with Confagricoltura, could actually promote the development of '100% Made in Italy' lines. (9) Tjis is something that Filiera Italia does not appear to have done.
The newspaper'La Verità' ultimately refers to a 'mediation' with unknown contents that the Minister Francesco Lollobrigida would have favored, after having summoned the presidents and general directors of Coldiretti, Confagricoltura and Union Food. (10) The uncertain news is awaiting confirmation, without forgetting that 25% of the capital of SEI, publisher of 'La Verità', is in the hands of Federico Vecchioni, CEO of BF (Coldiretti).
5) Summary
Italian farmers are experiencing an unprecedented crisis, those in Sicily have been without water for three months, the trade balance is negative (-13 billion euros). And here are the answers offered by the agricultural confederations:
– an organization (Confagricoltura) launches a project that could help the recovery of the sector and proposes starting with the durum wheat supply chain, bringing in the Italian pasta industries (registered with UnionFood) as a dowry
– a power structure (Coldiretti) – after having forced to silence the members who dared to complain about the crisis it claims does not existent (11) – instead of collaborating, for the benefit of the farmers, attacks the project for its own interests
– the 'ras' of Coldiretti, as defined in the 'poison dossier' which gave rise to the Vanghe Pulite investigation, (12) threatens to boycott the rare occasion of an Italian presidency of the European confederation. Event worthy, if ever, of his damnatio memoriae.
Dario Dongo
(1) Luciano Capone. The government is dominated by Coldiretti's bullying. The paper. 26.7.24
(2) Constitution of the Italian Republic, article 18.1. 'Citizens have the right to associate freely, without authorization, for purposes which are not prohibited to individuals by criminal law'
(3) Coldiretti, full-page attack on Mediterranea: "There are giants of approved food behind it." Feeding. 15.7.24
(4) Gesmundo (Coldiretti): “Giansanti president of Copa Cogeca? We will not allow it." Feeding. 15.7.24
(5) Dario Dongo. Coldiretti, Lollobrigida and Fratelli d'Italia, deep ties and #falseflag. #CleanSpades. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade).
(6) Micaela Cappellini. Strengthen agricultural supply chains for food self-sufficiency. The sun 24 hours. 23.7.24
(7) Italian supply chain. The partners
(8) Dario Dongo. National action plan for pesticides, sustainable agriculture and PNRR. #Clean shovels. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade).
(9) Giansanti: “Only multinationals that start from products obtained from Italian farms participate in Mediterranea”. Feeding. 23.7.24
(10) Carlo Cambi. Mediterranea takes a step back. Agreement with Coldiretti for the EU. The truth. 27.7.24
(11) Dario Dongo. Farmers' protest, the letter from the big boss of Coldiretti. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade).
(12) Dario Dongo. Agricultural Consortiums of Italy SpA, Federconsorzi 2? The poison dossier. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade).
Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.