HomeIdeaAgricultural Consortia of Italy, Bonifiche Ferraresi and Filiera Agricola Italiana SpA, the vase ...

Agricultural Consortia of Italy, Bonifiche Ferraresi and Filiera Agricola Italiana SpA, the vase is full

Consorzi Agrari d'Italia (CAI) SpA, Bonifiche Ferraresi (BF) SpA and Filiera Agricola Italiana SpA. The Pandora's box of Federconsorzi 2 is full and bleeds gall, in the silence of mainstream media and the bodies (political, administrative and judicial) responsible for controls. Updates and news to follow.

Consorzi Agrari d'Italia SpA and Bonifiche Ferraresi SpA

Il dossier poisons, published in preview on this site, showed how the statutory mutualism of 6 large Agricultural Consortiums was diverted in the sale of their fruiting business branches to CAI SpA:

- Agricultural Consortia of Italy (CAI) SpA presents itself as a Federconsorzi 2, the collective coffer of Italian agriculture to which the pension fund for agricultural managers, middle managers and employees (ENPAIA) has been added.

- Ferrara reclamation (BF) SpA, led and owned by Federico Vecchioni (former president of Confagricoltura), is the minority shareholder with dominant decision-making powers. BF SpA is in turn owned by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP) SpA.

Directed there is a business committee, the 'magic circle' of Coldiretti and his acolytes. All of whom, through nominations and shareholdings in the Chinese boxes of shareholdings, derive personal profits from public and collective resources. Among these the former president of CDP Carlo Costamagna, the president of Coldiretti Ettore Prandini, a woman who in dossier she is indicated as the wife of the secretary general of Coldiretti Vincenzo Gesmundo and various leaders of the confederation itself. (1)

AgriRevi SpA, the conflicting auditor

The Secretary to the Agriculture Commission of the Senate, Hon. Saverio De Bonis, resumed numerous data presented in dossier poisons. Data that the writer has been able to verify through special chamber of commerce surveys. To denounce, in a series of parliamentary questions still unresponsive, some of the most serious conflicts of interest. The figure of Gabriele Papa Pagliardini, general manager of AGEA, stands out, in the company of the Councilor of the Cassation Fabrizio Di Marzio, among the shareholders of AgriRevi SpA. (2)

AgriRevi SpA and the startup in charge of auditing the accounts of CAI SpA. Whose president Monica Rispoli - in the PEC 18.12.20 here in preview (see Annex) - would have communicated to Consorzi Agrari d'Italia Real Estate Srl that he had found, 'following further internal audits, (...) through chamber of commerce inquiries, incompatibility profiles that do not allow us to carry out the statutory audit activity in question, in compliance with the provisions of articles 10, 10-bis and 10-ter of Legislative Decree 39/2010 and subsequent amendments'. (3) Independence, objectivity and internal organization out of control, but since when?

Carrot and stick to the press

Advertising of Consorzi Agrari d'Italia (CAI) SpA - in the Sole 24 Ore, Corriere della Sera and La Repubblica, Saturday 16.1.21 - it looks like the carrot at mainstream media. The award for not having leaked news about the business committee behind the carousel of Federconsorzi 2. Corrado Giacomini, agricultural economist in the Steering Committee of Corriere Ortofrutticolo, in turn notes on 21.1.21 as'neither the big press nor many agricultural publications have focused on what is written in the Dossier addressed to the Public Prosecutor's Office, the parliamentarians of the Agriculture Commissions, the Court of Auditors and the competent ministries. ' (4)

'The point that seems to me deserves attention is what concerns the contradiction, at least so it is hypothesized, between the mutualistic purposes of the associated Agricultural Consortia and the participation in a joint stock company (CAI), where a SpA (BF), moreover listed on the Stock Exchange, albeit with a share minority shareholder exercise, on the basis of the provisions of a shareholders' agreement, most of the powers, which may limit those of the shareholders' meeting ' (Corrado Giacomini in the Corriere Ortofrutticolo, 21.1.21). (4)

BF SpA he replies with a stick, on 22.1.21, with a note in the Corriere Ortofrutticolo where the falsity of what is stated in the dossier poisons and complaints are threatened to those who reveal itin any way' the contents. As they, 'false is repeated, are seriously defamatory and damaging the reputation of the organizations and individuals mentioned'. (5) It is not clear whether the reckless Federico Vecchioni - CEO of BF SpA with 5 pages of delegated powers displayed in the Chamber of Commerce registration - also intends to sue the representatives of the Chambers of Commerce, for the information exposed in the business registers.

Italian Agricultural Supply Chain SpA, Coldiretti, AgriRevi

Italian Agricultural Supply Chain (FAI) SpA., another bandwagon of Coldiretti's magic circle, deserves a brief aside. Equally owned (44%) by the consortium company Consorzi Agrari d'Italia (SCCA) - which also participates in CAI SpA - and by Ger. Cam. SpA, minority shareholder of the Consorzio Produttori di Campagna Amica cooperative society SpA

President Ettore Prandini and managing director Raffaele Grandolini, shareholder (and former president, as reported by the dossier) of AgriRevi SpA (see previous paragraph). Statutory auditors Monica Rispoli - partner of AgriRevi and its president since 8.12.20 - and Fabio Marella, mayor Stefania Marongiu. They too are members of AgriRevi, as well as in the ranks of Coldiretti.

Who controls what, please?

Dario Dongo


Text of the PEC which appears to have been sent on 18.12.20 by AgriRevi SpA to Consorzi Agrari d'Italia Real Estate Srl


(1) Dario Dongo. Agricultural Consortiums of Italy SpA, Federconsorzi 2? The poison dossier. GIFTS (Great Italian Food Trade). 1.1.21/XNUMX/XNUMX, https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/mercati/consorzi-agrari-d-italia-spa-federconsorzi-2-il-dossier-dei-veleni

(2) Dario Dongo. Coldiretti, Federconsorzi 2 and the director of AGEA. Question to the Senate. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 8.1.21/XNUMX/XNUMX, https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/mercati/coldiretti-federconsorzi-2-e-il-direttore-di-agea-interrogazione-al-senato

(3) Legislative Decree 39/2010, amended by Legislative Decree 135/16. Implementation of Directive 2006/43 / EC, relating to statutory audits of annual accounts and consolidated accounts, which amends directives 78/660 / EEC and 83/349 / EEC

(4) Corrado Giacomini. Some questions on the governance of Agricultural Consortia (CAI) after the agreement with BF. Fruit and vegetable courier. 21.1.21, http://www.corriereortofrutticolo.it/2021/01/21/alcune-domande-sulla-governance-dei-consorzi-agrari-cai-lordo-bf/

(5) BF SpA on the CAI operation: 'carried out in the interest of the agricultural world'. Fruit and vegetable courier. 22.1.21, http://www.corriereortofrutticolo.it/2021/01/22/bf-spa-sulloperazione-cai-realizzata-nell interesse-del-mondo-agricolo/

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