HomeHealthcareFood allergies, how to prevent them

Food allergies, how to prevent them

Food allergies, how to prevent them in pregnancy and weaning

Food allergies, how to prevent them? Here are the tips to observe during pregnancy and in the first months of a newborn's life, provided by the Specialization Center of the Veneto Region for the Study and Treatment of Food Allergies and Intolerances.

The recommendations experts should be given special attention by pregnant women from families including allergy sufferers. Prevention is in fact the only weapon available to try to reduce the risk that the unborn child may in turn develop a form of allergy.

We recommend the expectant mother of

- not smoking during pregnancy (both the mother and those around her),

- breastfeed the newborn for 4 months, if possible, and postpone the introduction of formula milk or solid foods until the baby reaches 4-6 months of age,

- introduce food one at a time and in small doses, waiting 2-3 days before introducing another.

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