HomelabelsNutritional profiles, 10 years in hiding in Brussels

Nutritional profiles, 10 years in hiding in Brussels

Today we celebrate the 10-year delay of the European Commission in adopting a public health measure delegated to it by the European legislator. Hip-Hip-Buuuhhh !!!

Nutritional profiles, 10 years of inaction

nutritional profiles they had to be adopted by the European Commission no later than 19.1.09. According to the provisions of the regulation onNutrition & Health Claims'(NHC), which entered into force 3 years earlier. (1) For the express purpose of preventing the labels and advertisements of the junk food (or HFSS, High fat, sugar and salt) could boast 'healthy' prerogatives.

The European legislator he had intended to put an end to the great deception carried out by Big food towards consumers. Which are induced to buy junk food believing that it is beneficial for health. Since in the absence of nutritional profiles it is possible to promote the 'virtues' linked to the addition of synthetic minerals and vitamins, or fibers, on HFSS products. Like breakfast cereal concoctions, bars and confectionery that are saturated with sugar and palm oil. The 'vegan' foods loaded with salt. Or garbage for children (such as Nesquik Opti-Start, 75% sugars). All foods whose consumption must be reduced to a minimum, precisely for nutritional and health needs. (2)


The European Commission however, it has failed to fulfill its duties. First below Manuel Barroso, later under Jean-Claude Juncker. Indeed even - on impulse of European parliamentarians at the service of LOBBY by Ferrero, such as the candidate for governor of Piedmont Alberto Cirio - Brussels has suggested eliminating the rule.

Some Member States - as France, Spain e Englandand most recently also Germany - have meanwhile adopted health policies aimed at mitigating the prevalence of obesity, overweight and related diseases. But that's not enough. (3) 

Europe-Italy, an unresolved health crisis 

Europe chat without carrying out any concrete initiative. And disregarding the WHO recommendations, also as regards the contrast of the obscene commercial policies of Big food. Which in fact continues to abuse advertising e social media for to encourage the consumption of junk food.

In Italy, from bad to worsehave LOBBY dominant insists on opposing such measures, with the support of the regime press which falsely portrays such measures as' attacks on Made in Italy:'. Fake newsAlthough the public health crisis is overt and affects even the youngest sections of the population, in Italy more than elsewhere. (4)

ConsumAttori, what to do

Consumer organizations they have repeatedly called on the Commission to define nutritional profiles over the last decade. In 2018 BEUC ('the European Consumers Organisation') and 11 of its national subsidiaries - including OtherConsumption in Italy - presented a series of examples of unhealthy foods marketed as 'healthy' in the Internal Market. But the Commission, once again, did not react.

'By 19 January 2009, the Commission (…) shall establish the specific nutrient profiles and conditions, including exemptions, to be respected for the use of nutrition and health claims for foods and / or their categories. ' (EC Reg. 1924/06, article 4.1)

Time has come to pass from words to deeds. You must notify the European Commission of the formal request to fulfill your duty within two months, with respect to which you do not there is no discretion (see above). Once the deadline has expired, in the event of Brussels inaction, a so-called 'deficiency appeal' must be submitted to the Court of Justice within the following two months. (5)

Thats enough!

Dario Dongo


(1) See reg. CE 1924/06, article 4

(2) All the more so when we consider the current spread of childhood overweight and obesity, and related diseases. See the previous article https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/salute/obesità-infantile-una-sfida-in-salita

(3) On the incidence of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer and premature mortality associated with unbalanced diets and excessive intakes of sugar, salt and saturated fat see previous articles https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/salute/diabete-emergenza-italiahttps://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/salute/indice-di-massa-corporea-e-patologie-cardiovascolari-una-ricerca-ne-evidenzia-le-implicazioni-anche-in-soggetti-sanihttps://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/salute/obesità-stretto-legame-con-11-tipi-di-cancrohttps://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/salute/troppo-sale-nella-dieta-causa-infarto-e-tumori-ecco-come-mettersi-al-sicuro, mythical https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/salute/la-dieta-squilibrata-causa-un-decesso-su-5

(4) The data on childhood obesity in Italy are referred to above https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/idee/obesità-infantile-l-esempio-inglese-per-l-italia. In comparison with other EU countries, on https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/salute/dieta-mediterranea-e-obesità-infantile-l-europa-sottosopra. Regarding the need to introduce aSugar Tax', see https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/salute/tassa-sulle-bevande-zuccherate-in-italia

(5) Cf. TFEU (Treaty for the Functioning of the European Union), articles 265 and 266. An important precedent for public health concerns the condemnation of the Commission to adopt a definition of endocrine disruptors (see https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/salute/interferenti-endocrini-la-commissione-latita)

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