Covid-19, the basics. Volume II - Society

'Covid-19, the basicsis a book in three volumes - People, society and Planet Earth - that provides practical instructions and ideas on how to best face this coronavirus epidemic.

Volume II - 'Covid-19, the basics - Society' - discusses the effects of the emergency on workers, companies and the agricultural sector.

The rules adopted both in Italy and in the European Union to limit dissemination of the virus, and to learn to live with it. The recommended guidelines for the workplace, and those required to ensure food safety, from field to fork. The available aid and deficiencies. The agri-food sector's opportunity to develop.

REFER TO THE CONTENTS OF VOLUME II, 'Covid-19, the basics - Society'

the book is offered to those who wish to make a donation, even a symbolic one, to the non-profit crowdfunding project launched by the non-profit organization Égalité to promote industrial production of an Smart Chair. An innovative wheelchair powered by an electric motors that is rapidly and easily removed, designed to favor personal autonomy of people with motor disabilities. The project has already drawn to a close, and now we need to concretize it. Let's spread the kindness contagion!

Donations are entirely tax deductible. To this end, send a copy of the donation to egaliteonlus @ gmail with your personal details to receive the tax receipt. Let's spread the kindness contagion!
