HomeConsum-actorsSlaves to tuna? A serious problem, be careful what we buy

Slaves to tuna? A serious problem, be careful what we buy

'Slaves of the tuna' seems like a joke. One thinks of the dietary obsessions of anorexics, orthorexics and gymnasts who live off cans of natural tuna. To stock up on protein and nothing more. But the tuna slaves are anything but, and it is good to open your eyes. Pay attention to what we buy.

Slavery including minors unfortunately it is still widespread in some food chains. On oil palm plantations in Southeast Asia, and in those of cocoa in West Africa. But also in the fishing and processing of tuna and fish preserves, as we have already reported.

Slaves of tuna, the ILO complaint

The latest complaint comes from the ILO, UN agency for the protection of workers' rights. Lo 'International Labor Office'has in fact denounced Thailand, (1) for repeated violations of the ILO Convention against forced labor. (2) By omitting, among other things, the necessary controls on trafficking in human beings. Of their own citizens, 'internal migrants', as well as emigrants from poorer neighboring countries such as Laos, Burma and Cambodia. (3) Without any control over the working conditions - often in slavery - of the workers on fishing boats, factory vessels and factories working at theseafood'. (4)

'Every year, a significant number of migrant workers and Thai citizens fall into the trap of trafficking in human beings for the purpose of forced labor on Thai fishing vessels. Once on the boats, fishermen face deplorable conditions, including non-payment of wages, 20-hour days of work, debt slavery, physical abuse and murder '(5)

The ILO report describes the work of real criminal organizations, rooted in the chain of canned fish. With the 'widespread corruption of government officials'which provide'protection and assistance'to usual criminals to'torturing and killing migrant workers who try to escape as a warning to others. ' (6) In addition to the shortage of food, drinking water, medicines, decent housing, safety of navigation conditions.

The Greenpeace investigation

Greenpeace South-East Asia in turn conducted a long survey on the Thai fish supply chain, in 2016, which follows the one already carried out the previous year by AP (Associated Press). The report 'Turn the tide'(7) shows how slavery and abuse of workers are still in vogue in the fourth country in the world for fish exports (US $ 6,5 billion in 2015). (8) In addition to prohibited fishing practices - 'Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing'- in the territorial waters of others, such as Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. Or in marine reserves such as the 'Sava de Malha Bank', the largest shoal on the planet (in the Indian Ocean).

Stories from the other world, one might say. Except that this is where the contents of most of the packages of tuna and other fish preserves come from, including surimi and cat food (9) on our shelves. And then, indignation is not enough, and petitions still receive too little attention. The labels, in turn, often deceive us with certification marks that do not consider these aspects. Or even reflect mere operations of 'greenwashing'.

Here is how the ConsumAttori can free the slaves of the tuna

It is time for consumers to get better information, to learn how to distinguish tuna and canned fish 'good' compared to the others. Really sustainable purchasing choices need to be made. But how?

- first of all, it is useful to favor fish preserves whose production took place entirely in Italy. (10) In compliance with the regulations for the protection of workers. Starting with whole fish, rather than frozen semi-processed products (away) on the production of which there are no suitable guarantees on places and fishing methods, (11) working conditions, product safety,

- secondly, products subject to certifications that are effectively able to certify respect for both the marine ecosystem and workers must be preferred. The 'greenwashing'is very widespread, since the various symbols on the packaging are often referred to single positive elements (12), rather than to support initiatives independent of the production chain. (13)

MSC certification (Marine Stewardship Council) in turn 'stinks of burning'. (14) Others even self-certify, flying over dark areas. (15). To date, the only certification that has escaped substantial criticism is that of 'Friends of the sea'. (16) Waiting to do some order ...

Slaves to tuna? No thanks, not anymore.


(1) The ILO report 20.3.17, on http://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/—ed_norm/—relconf/documents/meetingdocument/wcms_549113.pdf

(2) 'Forced Labor Convention', 1930

(3) 'The intermediaries (of manpower, ed) they are known to promise other types of shore work to persuade migrants to make the trip to Thailand. Some fishermen reported that they did not know about their use on fishing boats until the broker delivered them to a fishing pier.'(ILO report, paragraph 15)

(4) Precious reportages are also offered by Stefano Liberti, in his latest book 'I Signori del Cibo'. And by Alain de Botton, in the book 'Working Likes' http://www.ilfattoalimentare.it/lavorare-piace-alain-de-botton.html

(5) ILO report, paragraph 10

(6) Over 65% of workers have been physically abused, several have witnessed suicides and homicides (ILO, paragraphs 21, 67). Systematic theft of identity documents, isolation on board for long periods at high seas, absence of pay are also reported (paragraphs 19-20, 65-66)

(7) The Greenpeace report, on http://m.greenpeace.org/seasia/PageFiles/745330/Turn-The-Tide.pdf

(8) Touching testimonies were taken from the Environmental Justice Foundation, in the documentary on http://ejfoundation.org/video/thailands-seafood-slaves. See also Greenpeace short films, on http://www.greenpeace.org/italy/it/News1/Il-lato-oscuro-dellindustria-del-tonno/

(9) Greenpeace also found numerous references of 'petfood'Nestlé Purina from Thailand or made by' Thai Union Manufacturing Co. Ltd. ' (see report referred to in note 7, page 68). On the latter group, owner of the Mareblu and John West brands, among others, various questions have been raised regarding the sustainability and traceability of raw materials

(10) According to the information gathered, the only industry that guarantees the processing in Italy of the entire production starting from whole fish is Asdomar. To follow, with variable quotas of production from whole, we point out Callipo, Castiglione-Auriga, Sardanelli. Always happy to collect useful information to better inform consumers

(11) The greatest threat to the marine ecosystem is represented by FADs (Fish Aggregating Device), which attract hundreds of fish species that are often protected, endangered and in any case unrelated to specific fishing targets

(12) Like dolphin conservation, in the USA certification 'DolphinSafe'

(13) This is the case of Mareblu (Thai Union), which contributes to a couple of Legambiente initiatives in the Mediterranean Sea. Without any guarantee on the socio-environmental sustainability of its products. And indeed, in the opposite direction...

(14) To the point that WWF, one of the founding members, has recently expressed serious doubts about the governance of MSC. See https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/fishings-blue-tick-benchmark-tainted-by-conflict-of-interest-3qrsr5w0k

(15) Among the 'self-referenced' are cited Rio Mare, Maruzzella, with its principles of 'sustainable fishing'

(16) http://www.friendofthesea.org/

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