A press release from the M5S press office reports that Minister Stefano Patuanelli would have proposed to colleagues Roberto Speranza and Giancarlo Giorgetti the extension of effectiveness - to 31.12.22 - of the decrees on the indication on the label of the origin and / or provenance of the raw materials of pasta, rice, milk and dairy products, tomato preserves, pork products and preparations.
However, these decrees are ineffective ab origine, as we have seen (1,2,3) since they were adopted in violation of the EU rules that require the prior notification to the European Commission - and the go-ahead, from Brussels - of any national technical regulation that affects the placing of goods on the market internal. With the sole exception of the last Ministerial Decree, on the origin of pork (4).
Origin decrees, theoretical extension to 31.12.22
The press release 4.11.21 of the 5-star movement reports the statements of its deputy Luciano Cillis, in the Agriculture Committee in the Chamber. Who, following today's session, reports that the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies has already sent the drafts of the 'extension decrees to the coordinating ministries, i.e. of Health and Economic Development, to extend the obligation to indicate the origin of raw materials on the label, expiring at the end of the year, until 31 December 2022'.
The above-mentioned measures would interest, 'pasta with durum wheat, tomato, rice, milk and dairy products as well as processed pork. The 5 Star Movement has been fighting since its entry into Parliament for transparent labeling on the origin of food raw materials that makes the consumer fully aware of the choices to be made. '
Origin: pasta, rice, tomato, milk. Ineffective decrees
The indication of origin and / or origin of raw materials in some products of first industrial transformation has been foreseen as mandatory, in labeling, through a series of inter-ministerial decrees:
- DM 9.12.16, about theorigin of milk used in all dairy products Made in Italy:,
- decrees 26.7.17 on the mandatory labeling of the origin of wheat in pasta, and of paddy in rice,
- ministerial decree 16.11.17, regarding the mandatory indication of the tomato origin.
Four decrees unfortunately ineffective, since the magic circle of Coldiretti which has always governed Italian agri-food policies insists on ignoring the duty of prior notification of national technical regulations relating to goods to the European Commission. Otherwise, in these cases as in the analogous one of Legislative Decree 145/17, the decrees are valid as waste paper (5,6,7).
Origin and provenance of raw materials, 'why it's convenient'
The Draghi government he does not need to continue the cycle of office abuses committed by the Gentiloni circus and in vain reported, by the writer, to the Procura delle nebbie. (8) It is true that Coldiretti knows how to reward his acolytes well - Paolo Gentiloni is now European Commissioner, Maurizio Martina deputy director of FAO, Carlo Calenda collects a few votes with his new party, Teresa Bellanova deputy minister for Infrastructures, Stefano Patuanelli still minister - but:
- trampling on European rules harms the country-system. And it is instead possible to achieve much better results, in their respect, as France teaches, But especially
- indicating on the label the origin and origin of raw materials is convenient for food sector operators, because Italian consumers are increasingly looking for '100% Made in Italy:'. As attested by i I guess reports (GS1-Italy, Nielsen) e by Coop Italia.
Locate and geolocate
The revolutionary genius Vito Gulli - the one who created the AsDoMar phenomenon, from the ashes of an Olbia industry destined to close - has demonstrated in unsuspected times and against the trend how to create the value of Made in Italy: through:
- location of work in Italy and effective protection of workers (complete with SA8000 certification),
- authentic and guaranteed sustainability of raw materials and processes.
Locate and geolocate supply chains, guaranteeing the authenticity and socio-environmental sustainability of raw materials and processes is now possible also through incorruptible technologies such as systems of blockchain public. Just want it.
Made in Italy:, AAA legality sought
Il Made in Italy: food does not need quack decrees in defiance of EU rules. Politics, on the other hand, must guarantee legality and put an end to unfair competition which occurs mainly in two hypotheses:
- sales below cost and unfair business practices. Coldiretti's magic circle, combination, has entered into agreements to nullify the directive on unfair commercial practices. (9) Which in fact has not yet been implemented in Italy,
- food fraud and abuse of workers. Coldiretti's friends often go unpunished in the face of shameful fraud on the origin of raw materials, as in the famous case of Filippo Antonio De Cecco. And in any case 'protected' from the spread of news in the press, as seen in Coccodí case.
From the government of the best, it is legitimate to wait for something more. #Clean shovels
Dario Dongo
Cover image by Tom Janssen, Caglecartoons.com
(1) Dario Dongo (2019). Food Regulations and Enforcement in Italy. Reference Module in Food ScienceElsevier. ISBN 9780081005965. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780081005965211724
(2) Dario Dongo. Origin of wheat, rice and tomato. Theoretical renewal of the decrees. GIFTS (Great Italian Food Trade). 13.7.20/XNUMX/XNUMX,
(3) Dario Dongo. Decrees of origin for pasta, rice and tomato. New abuses by Bellanova and Patuanelli. GIFTS (Great Italian Food Trade). 31.3.20/XNUMX/XNUMX, https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/etichette/decreti-origine-pasta-riso-e-pomodoro-nuovi-abusi-da-bellanova-e-patuanelli
(4) Dario Dongo. Label of origin of pork in hams and other cured meats. Via the decree with a trap. GIFTS (Great Italian Food Trade). 19.9.20/XNUMX/XNUMX, https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/etichette/etichetta-di-origine-delle-carni-suine-in-prosciutti-e-altri-salumi-via-al-decreto-con-tranello
(5) Dario Dongo. Origin decrees, continues the Gentiloni circus. GIFTS (Great Italian Food Trade). 8.5.18/XNUMX/XNUMX, https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/etichette/decreti-origine-prosegue-il-circo-gentiloni
(6) Dario Dongo. Origin decrees, last act. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 12.6.18/XNUMX/XNUMX, https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/etichette/decreti-origine-ultimo-atto
(7) Dario Dongo. Headquarters of the establishment, inapplicable decree for the Court of Rome. GIFTS (Great Italian Food Trade). 5.1.19/XNUMX/XNUMX, https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/etichette/sede-stabilimento-decreto-inapplicabile-per-il-tribunale-di-roma
(8) Dario Dongo. Eighteen to five, what abuses. GIFTS (Great Italian Food Trade). 28.8.18/XNUMX/XNUMX, https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/idee/diciotti-a-cinque-quali-abusi
(9) Dario Dongo. Unfair commercial practices, double-discount supply chain agreement. GIFT (Great Italian Food Trade). 7.3.21/XNUMX/XNUMX, https://www.greatitalianfoodtrade.it/mercati/pratiche-commerciali-sleali-accordo-di-filiera-al-doppio-ribasso
Dario Dongo, lawyer and journalist, PhD in international food law, founder of WIISE (FARE - GIFT - Food Times) and Égalité.